Announcing upcoming data science course

Some time ago I decided to create a data science online course for beginners. This course is now in the middle of its production and I am planning to release it about a month from now. The goal of the course is to enable people without a computer science or mathematics background to perform an exploratory data analysis and generate insights from the data they deal with in their jobs. Furthermore I want to make sure that students finishing the course acquire sufficient statistical know-how to avoid common mistakes and are able to spot mistakes / lies in reports they read. Everything is going to be a hands on experience where each unit is taught based upon examples, so that students will directly see all the techniques in action.

Here you can find the course website with more information.

My current plan is to release the course in English and in German (but the release of the German version might be later due to the additional production steps required). If you have ideas for things I should cover or want to give me feedback regarding this project, feel free to send me an email.

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